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Showing posts from January, 2014

A New Background for a New Year

I told you that before the month was out I would have a new background for the blog and here it is! It's actually borrowed from a cover of the 1953 issue of the science fiction/fantasy magazine,  Weird Tales . The artist for that cover was Frank Kelley Freas. You may have noticed that I made a slight change in the font for the blog's title, too. Let me know what you think of these changes. Do they work? Do they match the content of the blog okay? Leave your comments in the box below. Until next time . . .

2014 in a Crystal Ball?

Photo Credit: This is a derivative form of a page taken from the  September 1941 issue of  Weird Tales via Wikimedia Commons.  The bold text at the end has been added by the blog's author. I can’t say I’m a prophet or a soothsayer, medium, fortune teller, whatever you prefer to call them. And so I can’t predict anybody’s future, perhaps not even my own. But I can anticipate my own future as far as planning for it goes and so I do believe we are all capable of determining our own futures. Can we predict them? Probably not, at least not to any kind of precision. So while I can’t see 2014 in precision through a crystal ball, I can plan for my future of 2014 as a writer. This can be done through making new year’s resolutions. But because the past determines the present which in turn determines the future, I will first look back in the crystal ball of anticipation at my accomplishments of 2013. The highlights of my writing accomplishments of 2013: I self...