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Showing posts from November, 2023

Psychics in Fiction; Poe Reference in 'Wednesday', Episode 2

Credit: Pixabay Well already Halloween is a week and a half behind us and before we know it, here in the United States, Thanksgiving (or "Fangsgiving", as author Ethan Long might call it), will be upon us! Yet, in my ancestries, we still celebrate our own versions of Halloween the whole month of November (All Souls’ Month, or Days of the Dead) as we invite our dead relatives and ancestors to haunt our homes, to put it a certain way. However, that's a little more of a, uh, mellowed down celebration. So, I decided to share with you a few other events: a talk by a paranormal fiction writer and a psychic that I attended last month; a psychic search engine in one of my stories; and something interesting that I learned about an Edgar Allan Poe quote used in episode 2 of "Wednesday", Netflix's "Addams Family" spinoff. Psychics in Sac, Fiction and Search Engines? Paranormal Romance author Danna Wilberg and psychic Linda Schooler, both local to my home a...

IWSG: Why I Never do NanoWriMo

It's the first Wednesday of the month and so it’s time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) post! In an IWSG post, we writers bring our writing challenges and problems out into the open to share with each other and try to offer solutions. 've never actually participated in NaNoWriMo. During the month of November for a couple of years, I did an alternative form of it on my own where I set a goal to write a novella, but I've never done a novel before and after not staying with the novella I don’t’ plan on giving writing a novel a try. When it comes to writing, I am not a novel person; I am a short story one. For me short stories are more manageable but they're still challenging and time consuming to write, as much as I like to write them. I mean look at the set of short stories I'm working on now, "Bad Apps": it consists of only 6 or 7 stories and I've been working on it for over two years!  But there’s some good news: I'm coming to re...