Since this is Halloween, I thought I would post some photos of my Hallow-day decorating that I finished just this past Saturday (partly the reason this post is so late) in and outside the house. I especially dead- icated the day to working on the Disney Haunted Mansion scene. So I hope you enjoy the photos. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments coffin below. (Sorry, this photo that would normally be here has been moved for reasons of copyright.) Disney Haunted Mansion scene with just a few members of the Jack Skellington gang (including Dr. Finklestein's labouratory skull). My own work. In case you can't read the guy's jacket on the right: He is a teenage vampire ("Eye am a Teenage Vampire"). Yes, an image of an (evil) eye is used to substitute "I". . . . and again, but perhaps only with just a little less tape showing. Until next time . . . and . . . Happy Halloween, every bod...
A blog about reading and writing science fiction, fantasy and horror and their influence on pop culture.