A Little on Character Development This week I’ve been trying to work character development into my latest short story that I used as an example for last week’s post onworld-building . For me, character is much easier to develop in a profile than working traits of that profile into the story itself. It makes a person ask the question what is more important, the character influencing the story or the story (the events within) influencing the character? (Much like what came first, the vulture or the egg?) What do you think, fellow writers out there? Please feel free to leave your answers in the box at the end. On Joe Hill I’ve been reading Joe Hill’s collection of short stories, 20 th Century Ghosts . I checked it out at the library a couple weeks ago, intending to only read one or two stories; so far I’m on a third. His stories are great, although if you want to read him for his horror fiction you may be a little disappointed with some of the stories, since, as the writer o...
A blog about reading and writing science fiction, fantasy and horror and their influence on pop culture.