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Showing posts from November, 2022

The ‘Unfilmable’ of Lovecraft’s Indescribable Monsters

Credit: Wikimedia Commons I’ve been watching an episode a week for the last three weeks of Guillermo Del Toro’s new Netflix horror anthology series, “Cabinet of Curiosities”. (Yes, you read that right; I only watch an episode a week and so I don’t do binge watching.) So far, the series has been really good. I first started watching the episodes in order (even though the series doesn’t have an over-arcing storyline), but only up to the second episode. That’s because I wanted to see how at least one of the two episodes based on H.P. Lovecraft stories played out. Episode five is based on the short story “Pickman’s Model”, and episode six is based on the short story “The Dreams in the Witch House”. I’ve only seen the first of these two so far and thought it mostly played out really good including the creature effects. However, an article at ScreenRant doesn’t seem to give it as much credit, nor does it give much more to episode six. The article’s author, Padraig Cotter, says the monsters ...

The Evil AI Characters of ‘Logan’s Run’

Credit: Pixabay If you read, a few years back, my Book-To-Movie review of “Logan’s Run” , please don’t mistaken this post as a duplicate of it. What this post is concerned with is not the movie and book as a whole but with two evil AI characters in the story. “Evil” may be too sentimental of a word here because computers aren’t moral beings, they don’t have a conscience to make moral decisions. At least not yet. I’ll just use the word synonymously with “corrupt”, as in corrupt software. Isaac Asimov once said, "I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Neither do I fear them. I don't even fear the lack of them. I fear the overdependence on them. In other words, I fear society’s addiction to computer technology. And society has become addicted to it. Look at the people on a busy city sidewalk and at least every other person is either looking down at a mobile phone, are holding it up to their ear or wearing headphones connected to it. “Logan’s Run” foretells this o...

IWSG: November: A Time to Rest, a Time to Write

It's the first Wednesday of the month and so it’s time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) post! In an IWSG post, we writers bring our writing challenges and problems out into the open to share with each other and try to offer solutions.  November has come really fast and so October flew by like a speeding bat! I was nearly burning myself out to get things done for my Halloween themed blogs and newsletter and even activity outside of my writing such as decorating the house. October and December are the busiest times of the year for me, so November is kind of a breather period between the two. So, for me, November is a time to rest . . . and to write. Not that I don’t write during October or November, of course. When I say that November is a time for me to write, I mean it’s a time to get back on track with the writing routine and not worry about holiday duties, Halloween and Christmas being two of my favourite celebrations of the year.  What about Thanksgiving?...