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Showing posts from August, 2021

Book-To-Movie: Stephen King's 'Children of the Corn'

  Credit: Pixabay Warning: This review may contain spoilers. I apologise for missing last week. It was a rough one; I got very little sleep throughout it and so had gotten behind on other things. I was almost totally worn out which took out my creativity for blogging. But now things are back to normal, somewhat. Well, at least they’re back to normal in time for this fourth weekend, the weekend of our monthly Book-To-Movie. In a Book-To- Movie, we review a work of prose fiction and its movie adaptation. This post we are reviewing Stephen King's short story, "Children of the Corn" and its 1984 movie adaptation. When compared to the short story, the movie adaptation is much more comical.  The Short Story Published in 1976, “Children of the Corn” concerns Burt and Vicky, a married couple whose relationship is on the brink of divorce and who get stranded in a small Nebraska town. They discover that all the adults of the town have disappeared and only the children are there wh...

Planned Beta Release for Upcoming Short Fiction Collection

Credit: Pixabay I've been working on my upcoming short fiction collection  all week but have been worn out too many times, mostly from a bad case of allergies and insomnia. When I would work on one of my short stories for the book, there were several times when I nearly fell asleep ready to drop my head on the keyboard. So, I'd just go to bed intending to get more done in the morning but once in bed I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. Isn’t that ironic? Maybe I should make the computer keyboard my bed from now on.  Well, there's some good news. Tuesday, I shared with my writer's critique group part two of "The Watch Party", one of the short stories that I’m including in my book. Compared to when the group critiqued part one several weeks ago, they didn’t have any problems with it. However, I did not factor in the changes suggested by the group from the last time. I've only done that for the first part so far. So, there's going to be some work that I...

Week of a Writing Drought; Stephen King's 'On Writing'

It’s the first Wednesday of the month and so it’s time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG)  post! In an IWSG post, we writers bring our writing challenges and problems out into the open to share with each other and try to offer solutions. And did I have a challenge last week that I want to bring out into the open. That challenge was, what I call, a writing drought.  A Week of Writer’s Block Last week was a bad one for writing. I had a writer's drought all that week like my region has had a water drought for a lot longer. In other words, I had writer’s block. I felt like I couldn't come up with anything new to write either fiction or non-fiction. I had just barely come up with something for last weekend’s post .   Because of my writer’s block, I got behind with the story I've currently been working on for my upcoming book of short fiction. Originally, I planned to get the book out by this month but my stay in the hospital made me have to push it back to...