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Showing posts from October, 2024

Book Progress: Searching for the Correct Number of Stories

Dunking for "Apps" instead of apples this Halloween!  Image Credit: Pixabay I was going to have for you a list of movies for watching this Halloween season. I was also going to include the countdown to the number of stories left to revise for my upcoming collection of short fiction, "Bad Apps". However, I, embarrassing as it is to admit, couldn't even remember the total number of stories that I was going to include in the book, not counting the bonus story that I announced in my last newsletter, “Night Creatures’ Call”. In that issue, I said the total number of stories to be collected in "Bad Apps", including the bonus, would be eight. Well, I combed through several papers in my writing folders and filing cabinet Saturday evening looking for the book’s written plan to find the exact number of stories. I couldn't find the plan anywhere. I don't know what the hell happened to it. It probably just got lost in the piles, possibly during that time I

IWSG: Three Favourite Ghost Stories; Using Grammarly

It's the first Wednesday of the month and so it’s time for another Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) blog hop. In an IWSG post, we writers bring our writing challenges and problems out into the open to share with each other and try to offer solutions.  I wish I could get started on a better note with this blog hop, this being the month of one of my favourite holidays--Halloween. In fact, I was going to answer the IWSG optional question of the month (see below) with not just one favourite ghost story but a list of thirteen of them that includes both film and prose. However, someone who I'm very close to has been very sick and so not only do I not have the time to make that long of a list but, even more so, I am just not in the mood. So, I’m going to have to keep it to three. Maybe I'll come out with a longer list as it gets closer to Halloween. The problem I mentioned above has also put me behind in my writing projects although I've still kept at them the best I ca